What makes this course unique?


Designed and created by language teachers who combine a passion for environmental issues with rock-solid teaching experience and top-level teaching experience. We live the same challenges as you; busy teaching schedules, getting something together for your next lesson, and the challenges of fitting into set syllabuses and coursebooks. We also bring the expertise gained from our combined teaching, teacher development, and academic management backgrounds and knowledge gained from the Cambridge DELTA, an MA dissertation in participant experience on an online language course, and a commitment to our own professional development.

What will I get from this course?

If you take this course, you will inspire your learners to engage with environmental issues, converse in the international dialogue on sustainability and empower them to take positive action on the climate emergency in their language learning lives and beyond.

What is included in the course?

Take this course and you will benefit from:

  • The shared knowledge and experience of a supportive international group of language teachers
  • The experience, knowledge, and passion of the instructor
  • Stimulating content to foster discussion and knowledge construction
  • Discussion boards and video link up
  • A beautiful e-certificate on completion

Fantastic instructors

Your instructor is:

  • passionate about language teaching and sustainability
  • better able to support you on the intersection between language teaching and environmental issues than well-known language teaching authority figures or climate scientists
  • highly experienced and highly trained in language teaching and online teacher development
  • empathetic to the challenges you face
  • they were there too until they found the solutions

Owain Llewellyn - Founder

Ben Crompton - Instructor